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Project 2, Progress Post 4

Fusion is incredible. I'm so happy with how the drink coasters turned out. I hit a few bugs along the way, but I'm thankful I didn't have to do a another total restart. At the very least, I can say I'm a pro with the spline tool and cutting into objects.
Game of Thrones;
House Sigils
Star Trek; Spock

The end tweaks were difficult because the faces didn't want to push/pull after being cut into, so I ultimately adjusted dimensions by making use of combining objects with the intercept feature.

Phoenix on Fire

If printing these goes half as well as creating, I'd say it was a successful project. Here's hoping Meshmixer doesn't ruin anything while fixing the mesh.

Coaster Dimensions: Diameter, 4.4 in /// Height, about 0.4 in
Holder Dimensions: Inner Diameter minimum, 4.75 in /// Outer Diameter, about 5 in /// Height, 4 in /// Bottom thickness, 0.2 in
Coaster Color(s), will be printed in red or blue.
Holder Color, will be printed in dark blue.
Holder, Front
Holder, Back

Once printed, resin will be poured over top to fill spaces and make a smooth surface. Coasters will then be ready for use. Following completion, coasters will be remeasured before printing a holder for the set.


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